CAROUSEL!! Summer of Imagination!


Ah, the end of July, the month that begins the blood and body warming to temperatures bordering on madness and reveling truths that lie only in shadows of full moons’ light gently covering bodies on blankets in the woods…..(yes, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream is my Favorite!) This has been a particularly warm and beautiful month, filled with Joy- haircuts, adopting kittens, Brian and Pam finding a new and potentially permanent home near their grandchildren, Aaron’s Birthday and his Mom visiting, and a hundred other things. Hear are a few things I had fun finding across the interwebs this month, hope you enjoy as well!!




LADIES! If you are tired of Street Harassment, this article is definitely for you, and gents, if you wonder why girls complain about “being complimented”, this gives a full explanation of why it is in fact HARASSMENT, not a compliment


Old School Cool photos:


And we thought New York traffic was bad!


TEA DUELING! the best new way of enjoying tea, biscuits and demolishing an opponent, all in one bite 😀 (and you thought we had invented everything)


THE GUYS WE FUCKED- the Anti- Slut Shaming Podcast. ‘Bout time this happened!!


A much overlooked Non-Profit- The Cupcake Girls, because everyone needs love, support and the occasional Cupcake, esp women in the much misaligned sex industry-


Being a Fairy Princess myself I can’t help but love all things based on fairy tale stories:

Princesses in Historically accurate costumes- absolutely beautiful!

 And more Princess Fashion!!

Pregnancy, from the father’s perspective:


Pictures worth 1000 words:


Mad Fun with Photos:


Possibly the only good thing to come out of billboards and FUCK YEAH!


For the Cinematically inclined:


Wishing I could write recipes this enthusiastically- good read, good recipe, esp if you want the dandelions GONE!! Of course, I am also a hard-core jam enthusiast as well 😀


Because mirrors are fun


Hooray flowers!!


Towel Origami- oh internet, how I love thee….


INK AND OIL RECIPES!! because I only have eight bottles of ink left and that’s not nearly enough to last the winter, eek!

Grants Pass the woods and the bears


For turning out to be such a shockingly conservative town in the middle of generally liberal eastern Oregon, this town has been very open to alternative living. There is a large amount of BLM land not far outside of town for camping and a local convience store with great wick service and an impressive alcohol and food selection as well as usps, all useful in the middle of the woods. The town has a surprising number of assistence groups including very clean fully supplied hot showers six days a week and food banks overrun with produce. The people have been incredibly nice as well and Aaron has been shocked at how quickly he has been handing out business cards here compared to elsewhere on the trip. There are also dozens of little festivals within a few hours radius of this city and I have found multiple herbal shops to seek apprenticeship with, so it looks like a goods idea we decided to settle in this area.
Tonight we are headed back to Eugene and then to Portland to pick up Zoe back fromher family trip, I cant wait to show her the campsite, it is the prettiest one yet esp since the rain caused the river to rise. We have collected half a dozens frogs for a new terraium and Aaron accidently caught a scorpion as well, oops!
Valentine also bought a new truck and is in the process of selling his subaru so right now there are six motored vehicles, a trailer, a bike, a dog, two kittens, a rat and soon to be back to four people all camped in the woods. Fortunately the locals have been pretty openminded and figure anyone who owns a 65 VW and carries trash bags around cleaning up the woods are alright by them so they’ve become fairly neighborly which is fine by us. I am trying to figure out the new photo uploading system on here (cave woman better at paper than interwebyness) and soon as I do I will do another photo showcase of all the fun going on!



a smear of sculpture make more harmony out of this concrete world, a drop of beauty from our hearts hugging people passing on the street bring more health to this ill world, a splatter of truth make some potential dreams shown the path to possibility

CREATE BEAUTY, you never know what can happen




Fabulous Haircuts at a Beauty School 🙂 * Fresh red current sauce mixed with a dash of sugar and squeeze of lemon to make syrup for french toast* kittens, kittens, and did I mention kittens (the adolescent phase is over and they have sold their souls and self-respect for bacon 😀 ) *New phases of life- getting back on the road*  funny faces*  forgiveness for friends’ mistakes, big or small and the look of faces when they know they are loved*  cold brewed ice coffee in 95 degree weather*  fresh painted toe-nails*  happy puppies*  writing letters to grandpa and learning the real history of the world, right from the horses’ mouth*  new music*  friends’ successes- Gabe Rima won the contest, music video coming soon!!*  honest poetry*  unicorn luck*  picking fresh herbs from the garden*  any excuse to wear lingerie or kiss someone special*  watching dreams become reality, one day at a time

Enjoy your tuesday and your everyday, good for your health, heart, and world, xoxo!!


Community Living or Why Siblings are good for your spiritual growth


I was an only child, and homeschooled to boot and believe me, my education was exceptional. My mom was a creative badass who believed that colonial williamsburg counted as history class and grocery shopping built math and kitchen skills. These things have served me well in life, not to mention a serious self-motivated drive. However, life, and my own choices are throwing me another curve ball called “getting along with other people”, and it is a tumultuous stage of growth, and more than a little embarrassing to be going through at good god am I actually closer to 30 than 20? When did that happen?!? Ah, let’s not think about that, anyway, the point is, I choose to pursue a path in life that led me smack dab in the center of the family/community I always wished I’d had and now I’m dealing with both sides of the consequences of that decision.
Dealing with 8 people’s opinions on laundry, basic hygiene, food preferences and don’t even mention the word dishes, is WAAAAAY more complicated than I could have ever previously imagined. I’m finally beginning to understand why people first started going to war. And we don’t even have the background of social expectation/tradition to help us along- it’s all trial and error. Thank goodness all of us are, generally, patient, committed and (thank whatever deity you recognize) pacifists.
But on a personal level, learning how to let go and not micro-manage, be open to new ways of doing things and generally learning to accept that there are people in the world who care about me even dealing with my crazy on a day to day basis (glitter, chocolate addiction, extreme emotional sensitivity which the glitter and chocolate help to medicate) has been a much-needed area of growth and balm to my isolated soul.
When it comes to my romantic relationship, I’ve been learning something else, something that is often said but hard to put into practice in the modern world- That you don’t have to be, and in fact shouldn’t be, everything to one person. Having this community has allowed me to start taking the perspective of, hey, maybe my romantic relationship can be just that- romantic. Since all of the stress of day to day life and major decisions, etc are generally shared amongst the whole community, not to mention hobbies and companionship, it’s much easier to just be romantic love, comfort and fun with my chosen lover. Don’t get me wrong, we still argue plenty, but I feel that I’m finally beginning understand what true day to day romance and connection are, both within an “intimate” relationship and on a wider social level as well.

Picnic Luxury Lunchboxes!


One of the ways I have learned to live so cheaply, yet luxuriously is knowing when it’s worth it to put in the effort. I’d much rather do the extra few minutes of work to pack a lunch than to work for someone else the extra hours to pay for eating out. I’ve also found that if you eat quality food, you don’t need as much. Gourmet is truly achievable if you eat portion sizes. Have a few small luxuries and if there are certain people in your family or group who need extra calories, make that up with more staple fare- sweet potatoes, pastas, sandwich bread, eggs and other cheap but filling options.
Here are a few ideas for picnic luxury lunch boxes:
bread with brie and apple slices, plus chocolate of course
bread with cream cheese, nut butter and jam,
yogurt parfait- yogurt, granola, and fresh berries, or a quality trail mix(my favorite is hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, shredded coconut and chocolate chips)
cream cheese, roast beef and fresh greens sandwich
shrimp with curry powder, fresh fruit , crackers with herbed goat cheese

If you have a chance to cook: sliced ham, brie, caramelized red onions, and a very light drizzle of honey, toasted like a grilled cheese is one of the most memorable tastes imaginable.

And in my world, lunch is not complete without a few bites of dark chocolate at the end, never forget the chocolate!

What is… The difference between an Infusion and a Decoction?


There is actually an even further distinction to make here- the difference between tea and an infusion. Tea is actually made from steeping the leaves of tea plants, white, green, black, etc in hot water. An herbal infusion is made when you steep the leaves or sometimes seeds of a herb in hot water, such as chamomile, lavender, yarrow, etc. A decoction is made by simmering the roots or bark of a plant over heat for 10-20 minutes to extract their full quality.

If you want to create a recipe that calls for various forms of the plant, for instance mixing ginger and fennel for a digestion soothing tonic, simply simmering about a tablespoon of fresh ginger in 1 1/2 cups of water(some will steam off) for about 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and add 1 tsp dried fennel, let steep for 5 minutes, strain and serve.

Do keep in mind that ginger is very stimulating to the blood, so be cautious if you have high blood pressure or anxiety. As with all herbs, just because they are not pharmaceuticals doesn’t mean they don’t have effects. Be certain you have no adverse reaction before using a full dosage and listen to your body.

Recipe Book: Sugar Wax Beauty


I am so happy to have met Tiffany, she bequeathed me her magic book of beauty recipes which I have been spending some glouriously fun time experimenting with over the past week. I was thrilled to try out a recipe for sugar waxing, yes, waxing. I know I’m a hippie, but I love the feeling of smooth skin, and shaving while showering outside can be a tad bit brutal. “Sugaring” is significantly less painful than waxing because the resulting caramel from the recipe is strong enough to pull the hair but not the skin, so it’s far easier on the body. It’s also all natural from ingredients in the kitchen, and clean up or disposal is as simple as warm water.

Mix 2 cups sugar with 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, heat in pan stirring continuously until it becomes caramelized (it should become a thick gooey but still liquid consistency). Pour off into a widemouth jar. Keep jar in a pan of warm water to keep the wax liquid. Cover areas of body to be waxed with cornstarch or talcum powder(do not bathe before sugaring). Use popsicle sticks, or similar, to spread wax over desired areas. Let cool on body and peel off. I recommend doing short sections and be sure to keep the skin taunt, pulling the opposite direction of hair growth. Shower off any sugar, shave any minor missed spots and finish with a body oil  such as jojoba for wonderful smooth skin everywhere. Yay bathing suits!



Ahh! The start of summer, painting projects, fresh berries, travel adventures and growth on every level. Hope you enjoy this month’s Carousel of fun!

The Gypsy Network: Some of my favorite gypsy blogs

After using chalkboard paint to transform my fridge, I have really gotten into seeing all of the fun stuff that can be created via chalk medium:

Beautiful Art:

Chalk Art Tips:

On Making Fairy Wings:


How-to: – This blog is wonderful for all things fairy!!

And some fun in science news:


Sorry about the irregular programming lately folks, we are deep in the intrenchment of government offices and real estate issues, punctuated with regular trips to far reaching wilderness, so the wi-fi access has been nearly impossible. But it should all be coming to a head soon and I’ll be back with a pile of new work!!



Summer Bar-b-que


As a perfect prelude to a miraculous few days the weather cleared up on monday, right as Pam and Brian’s daughter Tiffany- the remaining family we had not met- and her husband and kids came down to visit for a few days. Family friends showed up with their 3 month old and before we knew it, summer kicked in full swing with a massive outdoor barbeque with 12 adults, four kids, 9 chickens, I don’t even know how many cats anymore, and a dog just to make everything a little less chaotic. Paradise in a backyard.

I have witnessed a miracle of life in watching this progression of events- from chance meetings one after another that have lead to people connecting to build dreams I never imagined could truly happen before. We had an impromptu community meeting to discuss issues, ideas, concerns and set plans. And it happened automatically. I’ve always felt like dealing with people was frustrating, oftentimes, impossible. I feared that there were only selfish, uncaring people in the world, that I would wander alone forever. Without even realizing how much I wanted and needed a family, one ended up surrounding me, and it is openly growing everyday.

As I was toasting rolled oats in a frying pan this morning, cook the bacon first and toast in the gristle, Tiffany and I talked about the idea of combining forces on this, my blog and hers, so that between the two of us we could post more easily as I have many projects and she has many children. I add eggs and cream to the oats to cook it, and as we shredded cheese and chopped fresh fruit and avocado to top the oatmeal with we discuss book ideas. I love collaborations- all the beauty and creativity of a project, with the support and enhancement of loved ones. Kindred spirits are rare treasures. And with this new influence this page may be coming to you under a new name- The Nature Spirit. ( I have also been informed, repeatedly, that not everyone will think of the old english spelling of Faerie while looking this site up- simplicity has it’s usefulness I guess)

Zoe and I took Tiffany on her first Girls’ Night Out in, well, enough years she didn’t remember anymore. We arrived at Sonia’s house in town, proceeded to kick her boyfriend out of his own room( he was smart enough to bow out gracefully when girl number 6 showed up- a wise man knows when he’s out-numbered) and leave us to our sacred feminine goddess time. We turned up the music, danced wildly, laughed and talked to wake up the next few blocks and made almond-butter cherry chocolate chip cookies- Sonia’s recipe. She is now a contender in the ever ongoing cookie war for “greatest cookie ever”- a very scientific and technical title that can only be conferred after many years of tasting and debating. Consistency is key of course.

After a chance to let loose, hug, laugh, support and care for each other, we were all finally able to go back to our lover’s revitalized and strong. Apparently it had a major effect because I caught Aaron helping to hang laundry without me asking and even before running off to the shooting range. The effects of women coming together can be terrifying ;P

Tiffany had to return home this morning, but I am certain of seeing her again soon, and look forward to further adventures with a new part of my family.

Love to all!
